A spicy chutney packed with granny smith apples, red capsicum, cherry
tomatoes, onion, apple cider vinegar and spices. Our favourite recipe
when we get a large amount of homegrown cherry tomatoes!
Yield: 9 cups
Cherry Tomatoes, Diced
6 cups
Granny Smith Apples, Peeled, Diced
4 cups
Apple Cider Vinegar (minimum 5% acidity)
2 cups
Onion, Finely Diced
1 cup
Red Capsicum (Sweet Bell Pepper), Finely Diced
1 cup
Sultanas (Golden Raisins)
1 cup
Sugar, White
1 cup (optional)
Yellow Mustard Seeds
2 tablespoons
Cumin Seed
1 1/2 teaspoons
Black Pepper, Ground
1 teaspoon
Salt, Finely Ground (No Additives)
1 teaspoon (optional)
Garlic Clove, Finely Minced
Chilli Powder
1/2 teaspoon
Ginger, Ground
1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric, Ground
1/2 teaspoon
2. Wash tomatoes. Discard spoiled tomatoes (damaged tomatoes will affect
the flavour, reduce storage period and increase risk of spoilage). Remove
tomato cores if using large tomatoes. Dice tomatoes.
3. Peel, core and dice apples.
4. Peel and finely dice onion.
5. Peel and finely dice capsicum.
6. Peel and finely mince garlic clove.
8. When the tomato chutney is ready: place the lids
into a heatproof bowl and cover the lids
with boiling water. Remove the lids from the water when you are ready to place
them onto the jars to seal.
9. Place jars onto a heatproof surface i.e. wood
board (or tea towel).
10. Fill jars with hot tomato chutney, filling to
1.25cm (1/2 inch) from the rim of each jar.
TIP: use a
jar funnel to fill jars.
Using a non-metal utensil (i.e. chopstick), remove any bubbles and add more hot
tomato chutney if required to correct the headspace if it dropped below 1.25cm (1/2
inch) from the jar rim.
12. Wipe jar rims with a damp paper towel to
remove any food residue.
13. Remove lids from hot water and seal jars i.e. twist to secure
“fingertip tight”.
14. Place
jars of tomato chutney into the pot of boiling water and boil for the
processing time stated below. Start the timer once the water comes back to a
full boil.
15. Turn off the heat source once the time is up. Remove jars from hot
water after 5 more minutes. Cool jars overnight on a heatproof surface i.e.
wooden board or towel. Do not adjust lids during this time.
After 12-24 hours: check jars have sealed before labelling and dating clearly.
Store jars of tomato chutney in a cool, dark and dry place (i.e. pantry) for up
to 12 months. Jar lids should remain tightly sealed during storage, and not
flex up or down when pressed (which indicates jar seal failure, do not
18. Refrigerate jars upon opening and consume contents within 2 months.
Processing Time for CHERRY TOMATO
CHUTNEY in a Boiling Water Canner
Altitude Processing Times
Jar Size
0-1000 ft
1001-3000 ft
3001-6000 ft
6000+ ft
Hot Pack
1 Litre /Quart
(4 cup volume)
or smaller
15 minutes
20 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes
o Vinegar
type can be changed, as long as the vinegar used is minimum 5% acidity;
o Try
different varieties of cherry tomatoes, or regular tomatoes if you like;
o Sugar type
– brown, white, raw etc;
o Sugar quantity
can be reduced, or left out completely if you prefer;
o Extra heat
– replace some of the capsicum with some fresh chilli (or add extra chilli
o Spices are
okay to leave out (some, or all).
Author: Megan Radaich
Image Credit: Megan Radaich
Publication: www.foodpreserving.org